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©Virginia Vannucchi

©Virginia Vannucchi


"I was invited personally by Director Maxine Noth of Haute Presents in coordination with United States Embassy in Germany to internationally launch Art + Fashion in Berlin's Friedrichshain neighborhood at the Karl Marx Bookstore. Introduced by Jeremy Fowler, Cultural Attaché of the U.S. Embassy in Berlin, the lecture was moderated by noted literary translator Katy Derbyshire. Book signing followed."

©Virginia Vannucchi

©Virginia Vannucchi

Haute Presents had the great pleasure of hosting E.P. Cutler for her international book launch for her most recent book ‘Art & Fashion.’ Not only is she an incredible writer, she was an effortless and engaging speaker. Ms. Cutler captivated the highbrow audience with her knowledge of fashion, as well as its relationship with art. The book launch was a wonderful success adding to the thriving creative scene in Berlin, with both Haute Presents & the US Embassy being proud sponsors of the event.

©Virginia Vannucchi

©Virginia Vannucchi

©Virginia Vannucchi

©Virginia Vannucchi

©Virginia Vannucchi
